
氢自养高氯酸盐还原菌培养驯化的研究 被引量:1

Enrichment and Cultivation of Hydrogen Autotrophic Perchlorate-Reducing Bacteria
摘要 考察了以氢气作为电子供体和厌氧污泥作为接种污泥培养驯化氢自养高氯酸盐还原菌的过程。结果表明,在高氯酸盐的起始控制浓度约为300mg/L和厌氧条件下,采用周期运行培养方式,随着培养驯化时间的增加而逐渐缩短,高氯酸根去除率达99%所需时间从最初的8天最终稳定在1天,未发现中间产物的ClO-3和ClO-2的积累,全部被还原为氯离子。对不同阶段的样品进行PCR-DGGE图谱和相似系数分析,发现随着反应的持续进行,微生物种群结构发生了演替变化,证实污泥微生物生态能够迅速进行优胜劣汰的筛选,调整内部微生物种群结构,从而达到适应环境的目的。 Enrichment and cultivation of Hydrogen autotrophic perchlorate-reducing bacteria were investi-gated by using Hydrogen as electron and anaerobic sludge as sludge seeding. Under the anaerobic condition and the initial consistency control at about 300 mg/L using period operation method, the requisite time of perchlorate removal efficiency above 99e//00 gradually decreased with the time increasing of enrichment and cultivation, which varied from initial 8 d to final 1 d. During the whole of enrichment and cultivation, the accumulation of C103 and ClOi- was not monitored and the perchlorate was reduced to CI-. Successional change of microbial community was found with the time increasing of enrichment and cultivation by analy-zing PCR-DGGE and similarity coefficient. It approved that microbial ecology could screen the survival of the fittest rapidly and adjust microbial community structure for adapting the environment.
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期82-86,共5页 Periodical of Ocean University of China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21077096) 中国海洋大学国家大学生创新训练项目(201210423090)资助
关键词 高氯酸盐 氢自养高氯酸盐还原菌 PCR-DGGE perchlorate hydrogen autotrophic perchlorate-reducing bacteria PCR-DGGE
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