
不同灌水条件下春小麦不同器官碳同位素分辨率与产量的相关性 被引量:4

Correlation between Carbon Isotope Discrimination of Different Organs and Yield of Wheat under Different Irrigations
摘要 为确定碳同位素分辨率(Δ13 C)用于春小麦高产节水品种选育的最佳测定时期和器官,以2个小麦地方品种、14个育成品种(系)和2个引进品种为试验材料进行不同灌水处理,分析了小麦旗叶、茎秆和籽粒Δ13 C值的差异及其与产量的相关性。结果表明,同一品种不同部位Δ13 C存在较大差异,籽粒Δ13 C均低于开花期旗叶和基部秸秆、成熟期旗叶和基部秸秆的Δ13 C。小麦材料相同部位的Δ13 C在中度水分胁迫处理(T2)下低于其他灌水处理(T1、T3和T4),在T2和轻度水分胁迫处理(T3)下,拔节期旗叶Δ13 C与产量均呈显著负相关;在T3处理下,成熟期籽粒Δ13 C与产量呈显著正相关。 In order to determine the best determination stage and organ of the carbon isotope discrimi- nation (△^13C) used to breed high-yield and water saving varieties,2 local wheat landraces, 14 bred va- rieties (lines) and 2 introduced varieties were grown with different irrigation treatments in Ningxia. The correlation between the △^13C in leaf, stem and grain with yield of wheat were analyzed. The re- sults showed that there were bigger variation for the A of the same variety in different organs, the△^13C of wheat grain was lower than that of flag leaf and stems at flowering and mature stage. The △^13C of wheat grain under medium drought treatment (T2) was lower than that under other irrigation treatments (T1, T3 and T4), the △^13C of flag leaf at jointing stage was significantly and negatively associated with yield under both medium drought treatment (T2) and mild drought treatment (T3); the △^13C of grain was significantly and positively associated with yield under mild drought treatment (T3).
出处 《麦类作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1190-1196,共7页 Journal of Triticeae Crops
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31060190) 宁夏回族自治区科技攻关项目 宁夏回族自治区国际合作项目 澳大利亚国际农业研究中心(ACIAR)项目(CIM/2005/111) 宁夏回族自治区自然科学基金项目(NZ12259)
关键词 小麦 碳同位素分辨率 水分 产量 相关性 Wheat Carbon isotope discrimination Irrigation Yield Correlation
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