
4E-ms杂交小麦生产体系的技术难点及应对措施 被引量:2

Technical Difficulties and Solutions of Applying 4E-ms System in Hybrid Wheat Production
摘要 "兰州核不育小麦"是我们发现的小麦雄性不育突变体,经遗传分析,其不育性受单隐性核基因ms1g控制,具有普通小麦细胞质,不育性遗传稳定、彻底,不受光、温等变化的影响。利用该突变体[2n=42W(msms)=42]和蓝粒附加系小麦[2n=42W(MSMS)+2(4E)]杂交,经连续自交选育,创建了"4E-ms杂交小麦生产体系",实现了小麦隐性核不育的有效保持。本文简述了4E-ms杂交小麦生产体系的应用研究进展,并对其育种应用的主要技术难点—深蓝粒的发生和累加效应产生的原因进行了分析,提出了应对措施,特别是提出通过分子设计育种,使蓝粒标记基因Ba、雄性可育基因MS和花粉致死基因ki集中于4E染色体或染色体臂上,以彻底解决深蓝粒的发生和累加效应,为杂交小麦在育种工作及实际生产中的应用提供技术支持。 "Lanzhou genic sterile wheat" is a wheat male sterile mutant, its male sterile gene mslg is a single recessive nuclear gene with common wheat cytoplasm. The sterility of the male sterile mutant is stable and complete and is not affected by the changes of light and temperature. By continuous selfing and selection of the progeny from the hybridization between the male sterile mutant [2n=42W(msms) =42] and the blue-grain addition lines of wheat [2n=42W(MSMS)+2(4E)=44], the 4E-ms system of hybrid wheat production was created successfully and the recessive genetic male sterility of wheat could be maintained. This paper summarized the progress in the study on the application of the 4E-ms system in hybrid wheat breeding, pointed out its technical difficulty that the deep-blue seed occurred frequently and the reason for its accumulation, which was urgently needed to be solved. Especially, the strategic solution was creating a new 4E chromosome or chromosome arm which including the three genes of Ba, MS and ki in order to thoroughly resolve this problem and improve the system by providing technical support to promote its application in hybrid wheat.
出处 《麦类作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1312-1315,共4页 Journal of Triticeae Crops
基金 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目(31060187) 甘肃省农业科学院创新专项(2012GAAS22)
关键词 隐性核不育 4E染色体 雄性不育基因ms 花粉致死基因ki 深蓝粒累加 Recessive genie male sterility 4E chromosome Male sterility gene (ms) Pollen killing gene (ki) Deep-blue seeds accumulation
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