
成像卫星任务周规划模型与算法 被引量:3

The weekly task scheduling model and solving algorithm of imagining satellites
摘要 作为卫星运控系统中的一个重要模块,卫星任务短期规划对充分发挥卫星系统效能有着重要影响。与卫星任务的日规划的作用和特点不同,它既涉及任务规划的技术问题,又涉及卫星管理问题。针对周规划任务,本文分析周规划的需求和特点,兼顾周规划的四项主要作用,构造周规划的分层框架;分析周规划优化目标及约束条件,建立卫星任务的负载度周规划模型;针对模型求解属于高维离散组合优化问题,仿真实验评价了几种基本智能优化求解算法,并应用引入分布式并行技术的遗传模拟退火算法求解。 Satellite weekly task scheduling is an important procedure for the Satellite Run and Management System,and it exerts influence on the effectiveness of satellite system.Different from the function and the characteristics of daily task scheduling,weekly task scheduling includes not only the technology problem but also the management problem.This study mainly expounds three aspects of work:firstly,analyzing the demand and the characteristic of weekly task scheduling,explaining four main functions of weekly scheduling,and constructing a hierarchical scheduling framework; secondly,summarizing optimization objects and constraint conditions,and building the weekly task scheduling model with considering the task overloading factor; thirdly,combing the Gene Algorithm and the Simulated Annealing Search to solve the model,while instigating the heuristic rules and introducing distributed parallel computing strategy.
出处 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期44-51,共8页 Journal of National University of Defense Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71202168 71271066) 中国博士后基金资助项目(20090450973) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(HIT.NSRIF.2010083) 黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(12511435)
关键词 卫星任务规划 短期规划模型 分布并行求解 遗传模拟退火算法 satellite task optimize scheduling weekly scheduling model distributed parallel computing gene and simulated annealing algorithm
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