

Back to East Asia:America's Policies and Impacts
摘要 近几年来,美国对亚太地区的政策出现了重大的调整,奥巴马政府相继在外交、军事和经济方面明显加强了美国的存在与主导。本文描述了美国重返东亚政策的出台及其所取得的成就,之后分析这一政策的出台背景与原因,然后预测和分析该战略未来的可能发展及其挑战和问题,最后重点分析该战略对中国的影响。 There has been a great change in the US policy towards East Asia in the past few years. The Obama adminis- tration clearly strengthened and increased its presence in Asia-Pacific areas in the fields of diplomacy, security and economy. This paper reviews the origin and development of the US policies back to East Asia, predicts its future, and then analyzes its impacts on the regionalism of East Asia in general and on China in particular.
作者 张振江
机构地区 暨南大学
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2013年第5期5-9,共5页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
关键词 美国外交 东亚 中国 中美关系 US foreign policy East Asia China Sino-US relation
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