无性繁殖是银杏良种繁育的主要技术之一 ,采用不同覆盖方式、不同基质、不同生长素、不同插条长度、不同扦插时间、不同嫁接方法对比试验。结果表明 ,于 4~ 5月插条长 10~ 15cm,以 50 0 g/ m3的 IBA快浸于石英沙床覆地膜并加盖遮阳网 。
Asexual propagation is one of the major techniques that propagate excellent varieties of ginkgo.Combining different manners of mulch,substrates,somatotropin,time of soaking cutting woods and methods of graft with the situations of southern hilly regions,we proceeded the contratests.All this indicatives:During April and May,the radication rate of cutting and the seeding stage of growth are better when cutting woods are 10-15 centimeters long,soaked quickly with IBA of 500g/m 3 and then inserted into quartz sand beds mulched with mulching coats and adumbral nets.
Guizhou Forestry Science and Technology