适宜浓度 ( 0 .1mg/ L )的 IPT( isoprothiolane)浸泡水稻种子 2 4小时 ,稻苗的种子根长度 ,侧根数目以及芽鞘节根长度 ,根系的干重均受到显著的促进。与之相对应的是 ,IPT处理后 ,种子根的内源IAA和 ABA的含量提高 ,而 i PAs和 ZRs的含量下降。IPT处理也增加了稻苗的根系活力 ,提高了低温条件下 POD(过氧化物酶 )和 CAT(过氧化氢酶 )
The seeds of hybrid rice cv. Shanyou 63 were soaked in IPT(isoprothiolane) solution with various concentrations (0.1~100.0 mg/L) for 24h. It was found that 0.1 mg/L IPT significantly promoted the length of seminal root and crown roots, and 0.1~100.0 mg/L IPT significantly promoted the lateral root number in seminal root. Subsequently, plant hormones contents in root were determined by enzyme linked immunoassay assays (ELISAs). It was found that the contents of IAA and ABA increased in seminal root, whereas those of iPAs and ZRs decreased after IPT treatment. Finally, the root activities were determined, It was found that the TTC reducing capacity of roots increased obviously, Both POD and CAT activities in roots treated with IPT were higher than those of the control under low temperature.
Acta Agronomica Sinica
江苏省教委联建重点学科项目! 97- 0 1资助