
任务紧迫性下无法忍受不确定性与创新行为关系的实验研究——基于积极拖延的调节作用 被引量:3

Effect of Intolerance of Uncertainty on Innovative Behavior under Task Urgency——Moderating Role of Active Procrastination
摘要 通过情景实验,对任务紧迫性下个体创新过程中呈现出的焦虑情绪和积极拖延行为进行研究,分析发现:积极拖延有利于个体实施创新行为,虽然个体的无法忍受不确定特质(包括预期性焦虑和抑制性焦虑两个维度)会对创新行为带来负面影响,但积极拖延可以在一定程度上抑制这种消极作用。管理者可以通过实施积极拖延策略,有效利用缓冲,帮助员工调整情绪,增强对不确定性的耐受力,在兼顾效率的同时更好地促使个体实施创新行为。 This paper takes active procrastination as moderator into the effect of intolerance of uncertainty (IU)on innovative behavior through situational experiment. The result shows that: active procrastination can significantly increase personal in- novation behavior, while IU can significantly decreases innovation behavior. At the same time, active procrastination has negative moderator effect on the relationships between prospective anxiety/inhibitory anxiety and innovation behavior. It can supply an empirical support for project managers to help employee enhancing the tolerance of uncertainty, which then pro- vides strong supports for innovation and efficiency.
作者 张敏
机构地区 温州大学商学院
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期44-47,52,共5页 Soft Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(12YJAZH193)
关键词 无法忍受不确定 预期性焦虑 抑制性焦虑 创新行为 积极拖延 intolerance of uncertainty prospective anxiety inhibitory anxiety innovation behavior active procrastination
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