The article begins with a question-do we think in a language? Linguistic determinism and the hypothesis of language of thought〔mentalese〕offer squarely opposite answers to the question,but both theories are really problematic. The article points out that the question‘in what we think'should be appropriately understood to mean ‘in what communicative system do our mental activities find their direct expression'instead of‘what processes emerge in our mind when we think'. Henceforth,a Chinese does think in Chinese and a British in English. Speaking is an activity in which a variety of mental contents is expressed through a uniform and public system. An analogy between a communicative system and a traffic system is introduced to explicate the above ideas. To unfold this basic idea,the article goes on to discuss a series of themes such as animal language,figurative thinking,inner language,translation, the universal language,the phenomenon of looking for a word,and ineffability. Speaking connects various experiences of the speaker on the one end to a system of expression on the other end. Language does not determine what and how we think. Yet,since we as speaking animals are largely made to take language as the destination of our thinking,it does modify what and how we think. When we think in Chinese or in English or in mathematical language,we do think differently to an extent. The article also points out that although Wortsprache is indeed the primal communicative system for humans,all our experiences cannot find their full expressions in it.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition