Wanangkura体育馆是坐落于澳大利亚黑德兰港的一座全新多功能娱乐中心,其名称是从征集的数百个名称中精选而来。Wanangkura在当地Kariyarra语中是“旋风“的意思,旨在呼应体育中心卓越的设计。建筑师索菲克莱德兰(Sophie Cleland)称其就像一股旋风,“为这片原本一马平川的土地营造了一种闪烁涟漪的效果”。西澳大利亚州州长科林·巴纳特(Colin Barnett)更称赞该中心”……是一座恢宏的建筑,必将成为黑德兰港镇的地标之一”。
Wanangkura Stadium is Port Hedland new multi-purpose recreational centre. The name for the centre was chosen from hundreds of local submissions and means "whirlwind" in the local Kariyarra language. The title pays tribute to the centre's design, which archi- tect Sophie Cleland likened to a cyclonic pattern, creating a "shimmering, rippling effect on an otherwise flat landscape" . Western Australia Premier Colin Barnett called the Cen- tre "... a spectacular piece of architecture that will become a landmark for Hedland" .
Urbanism and Architecture