我们在看了许许多多为了权力,金钱和名誉而苦心孤诣营造的"顶级空间"之后,也许应该问一个问题:会所还能包容除了欲望和虚荣之外的内容吗?最后我们想介绍一位设计师的作品,尽管他不愿意别人把他看做一个设计师。冯羽,他主持设计和建造了"东会所别墅"的改造工程。这是一个面积不到500平米的小型民居。委托方是深港房地产联合商会。竣工日期是2011年8月。这个项目使用的只有青石、松木、火药、烤漆钢板,这些可以在当地市场购买到的材料。但是这个项目最终获得了2012年第20届亚太室内设计大奖;2012ANDREW M ARTIN安德鲁马丁室内设计大奖和2012 TID台湾室内设计大奖。当有人问起冯羽这样一个空间形式他想要表达什么?他说:我想回到原点。我们决定把冯羽的设计说明和作品完成后的图片在这里展示出来,以期读者朋友们能够领悟到人类除了运用权力意志纵情恣欲与压制操控之外,或许可以找到一条通过敬畏与自制走向自由的创造之路。
Can club mean something other than merely desire and vanity? This question rises naturally after we see all these top-level spaces that has been filled with desires toward power, money and reputation. In August 2011, a reform project of 'Eastern Club Villa' finally comes to an end. Feng Yu, the designer (even though he does not like the title 'designer') uses only common materials such as bluestone, pine, gunpowder and baking finished steel plate in this project to win a lot of design awards in 2012. Nevertheless, he just wants to say: 'I want to go back to the origin.' The space inside the clay door of the 'Eastern Club' is not only a traditional eastern garden, but also an interpretation of the word 'Peaceful.' Like Feng Yu says 'The frames after exploration and the decorative paintings after scorch are interpreting the wateriness of Zen. Thinkers, think! Zen is like water. It is boundlessness.'
World Architecture Review