
本土化与均衡化:以西北联合大学建立为中心的历史考察 被引量:1

Localization and Equalization:A Historical Review Centered on the Establishment of Northwest Associated University
摘要 "后发外生型"的中国高等教育始终面临着制度调和与区域均衡的双重挑战。1927—1937年前后,面对日益严峻的内忧外患,南京国民政府通过一系列的教育改革,初步发展了现代大学制度,形成了中国高等教育发展的组织机构和制度规范。在此过程中,制度借鉴与结构调整成为当时高等教育发展中备受关注的焦点。从北平大学的出现到西北联大的建立,这一变迁过程体现了中国高等教育发展中制度移植的本土化尝试与区域分布的均衡化努力。前者是主动应对,处理国外与国内的制度差异;后者为被动承担,侧重东部与西部的格局调整。无论是制度移植的本土化过程,还是区域分布的均衡化努力,都是中国高等教育发展过程中不可回避的两大问题,西北联大建立的历史轨迹则为这两大问题提供了历史的思考与改革的镜鉴。 Ch and regional 1927 - 1937, a series of ed inese higher education has been faced with the balance since it was characterized by "late devel due to the grim situation at home and abroad, ueational reforms to build the modern higher ed for organizational structure and sy the structural adjustment in the d From the emergence of Peiping dual challenges of syst opment and exogenous em adjustment form. " During Nanjing Nationalist Government took ueation system, laying the foundation University to the establishment of Northwest Associate University, the transition epitomizes the localization trial of the institutional transplant and equalization efforts of regional distribution in the development of China's higher education system reform. In 1927, Cai Yuanpei and others advocated the French reform of " University District System," committed to getting rid of political control over education and pursuing the "academic education" and "academic studies," which provided new system resources for the development of Chinese higher education, and led to the establishment of Peiping University in north up with the abolition of the "University District System. " In the brief process, it tension between reform and tradition, between university and society. In addition, retie whie unev depa effec ion and a beneficial reference for the "localization" t that time, China experienced imbalanced develo embodied the it provided a of China's higher education system. pment in politics, economy and resulted in the concentration of higher education institutions in the Republic of China ure an en distribution in departments, disciplines and regions. Io improve this situation, the stry of Education of the Nationalist Government paid more attention to practical disciplines, rtment abolition and building new colleges in the inner land, but the reform showed limited ts. With the outbreak of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, colleges and universities located in North China were in predicament and the massive westward migration of colleges and universities created an opportunity for higher education adjustment. Although it was passive under the threat of the War, it contained profound underlying causes and social needs. After this adjustment, the inner requirement of the efforts of the Nationalist Government to promote higher education balance was realized, which laid a solid foundation for the subsequent development of higher education pattern in Northwestern China. Centered on the development of Northwest Associated University and displaying the institutional transformation of Chinese higher education, the paper aims at a study of the historical basis for the formation of China's northwestern higher education pattern and reflecting the conflicts and integration of the internal tradition of university development and social reality, based on the " localization" and " equalization" of higher education development, reforms on "University district system," the shift of higher education focus after "September 18 Incident" and the stipulation of the wartime education policies after "July 7th Incident. "
作者 周谷平 张强
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期5-15,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 中国高等教育 西北联合大学 变迁 本土化 区域均衡化 制度移植 Chinese higher education Northwest Associated University transformation localization equalization of regional distribution institutional transplant
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