
罗尔斯的秘密及其后果 被引量:4

John Rawls' Secret and Its Consequences
摘要 罗尔斯政治哲学在德国古典哲学、英美分析哲学、社会契约论、功利主义政治学、当代经济学等众多领域有不同的思想来源,呈现出从洛克、休谟、卢梭、康德、黑格尔(斯退士)、马克思到维特根斯坦(马尔柯姆)、伯林、哈特的多重来源。在斯退士的直接影响下,摆脱基督教成为罗尔斯思考社会正义问题的逻辑起点,黑格尔哲学为罗尔斯构思正义理论提供了体系框架,分析哲学为他论证正义理论中的诸多原则和概念提供了精细的方法指导,当代经济学为罗尔斯解决正义问题提供了可操作的实践路径。由于罗尔斯本人有意隐瞒其中的某些思想来源,尤其是隐瞒了他同黑格尔和斯退士的关系,形成了所谓"罗尔斯的秘密",导致中国学者误读了罗尔斯两个正义原则,进而误读了罗尔斯的政治哲学。 John Rawls never tells all stories about himself, and there are some secrets crucial to an accurate interpretation of his philosophy. Rawls' political philosophy has its intellectual origins in German classical philosophy, Anglo-American analytical philosophy, social contract theory, utilitarian political science and modern economics. Rawls himself is inspired by philosophers ranging from John Locke, David Hume, Adam Smith, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel (Walter T. Stace), Carl Marx, Wittgenstein (Norman Malcolm), to Isaiah Berlin and Hart. In the construction of Rawls' theory of justice, Hegelian philosophy sets up the framework, and the analytical philosophy offers the methodological guidance and contemporary economics provides the feasible path of actual operation for Rawls' discussions on the principles of justice. Besides, the potential impact of Christianity, positively or negatively, also underlies Rawls philosophy, as Richard Marius mentioned, Rawls' loss of faith is partly attributed to his intellectual involvement with Waiter T. Stace's essay Man Against Darkness. These backgrounds are deliberately concealed by Rawls for some reason. The sources of Rawls' thoughts which are hidden purposely includes elements from like Oriental mystic Hindu philosophy, Hegelian philosophy and contemporary economic approach to political philosophy. Besides, analytical philosophy is highlighted as Rawls' major academic background and utilitarianism as the academic opposing target, all of which might serve together as misdirection that leads to wrong interpretation of Rawls' political philosophy Terms like " the veil of ignorance," "original position," "overlapping consensus," "principles of justice," and "the law of peoples," are usually understood in the light of analytical philosophy, but their non-analytical backgrounds are usually ignored. Improper interpretations of the principles of Justice, which holds the core position in Rawls' philosophy, are inevitable as a result of ignoring Rawls' secret, which produces severe results both academically and socially. In order to avert misunderstanding and comprehend Rawls' theory with accuracy, these covert elements should be paid great attention to and should be taken into account. So the conclusions are. (1) Rawls' theory of justice has its intellectual origins from continental philosophy. (2) Hegel exerts a significant impact on Rawls. The framework of Rawls' theory of justice is carried out in a Hegelian manner. (3) The debates between RaMs, Sandel, MacIntyre, Taylor and Rorty are more like squabble between brothers in a big family. Rawls is a continental philosopher in a more profound sense. (4) Rawls' secret--the intentional concealment of some of his academic backgrounds, especially'his relationship with Stace--leads to gross misinterpretations of him in China. There is a long way to go in exploring the political philosophy of Rawls for the Chinese academic world.
作者 张国清
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期52-62,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(13AZX016) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目(09JDDF003YB)
关键词 罗尔斯的秘密 斯退士 黑格尔 正义理论 分析哲学 政治哲学 当代经济学 John Rawls' secret Walter T. Stace Hegel theory of justice analytical philosophy political philosophy modern economics
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