
陈瑚“莲社”与《顽潭诗话》 被引量:3

Chen Hu's “Lian Society″ and Wantan Shihua
摘要 明清之际是中国古代文人结社最为繁盛的时期。著名思想家陈瑚创立的"莲社"是清初重要的遗民诗社之一。"莲社"的文献资料主要见于陈瑚纂辑的一种唱和类诗歌总集《顽潭诗话》,但《顽潭诗话》所收作品及其作者相当庞杂,并不简单等同于"莲社"的社诗总集。通过对《顽潭诗话》的仔细分析和鉴别,可以获知"莲社"的成立时间、集会唱和、基本成员等方方面面的具体情况,为该诗社勾勒出一个比较清晰的面貌。同时,以《顽潭诗话》为线索,还可以进一步探究陈瑚以及其他"莲社"成员另外组织或参加过的若干诗社,从而理清"莲社"及《顽潭诗话》更多方面的关系。所有相关考察将有助于对整个清初遗民结社乃至古代文人结社进行深入的研究。 At the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there is the most prosperous period in the history of civil societies formed by ancient Chinese scholars. In the early Qing Dynasty, Lian Society, founded by Chen Hu the famous thinker, is one of the important associations of the adherents of the Ming Dynasty. The information about Lian Society could be mainly found in Wantan Shihua edited by Chen Hu. Although it is called Shihua, it is a kind of responding-style poetry collections. The works and authors contained in Wantan Shihua are numerous and jumbled. Therefore, Wantan Shihua is not simply equal to the poetry collections of Lian Society. Through careful analysis and identification upon Wantan Shihua, we find that Elan Society was founded on August 15th Mid-Autumn Festival, 1647 (the forth year under the rein of Emperor Shun Zhi in the Qing Dynasty). It is located in the Wei Village, one of the small villages in Kunshang city, Jiangsu Province. The members of the Lian Society also made their own rules named The Law of Lian Society. They often held gatherings and responsory activities, at least more than six events, such as enjoying the full moon while drinking, rowing on the pool, village visiting, drinking in Lancao, imitating the poems of Pi Rixiu and Lu Guimeng in Lanxi, writing poems in the House of Fenglin, and so on. In August, 1649 (the sixth year under the rein of Emperor Shun Zhi in Qing Dynasty), Chen Hu was invited by Mao Jin, a famous bibliophile and published author, to teach in Changshu, Province, which marked the end of their gatherings and responsory activities in the Lian Society. The members of I.ian Society included the prominent thinker Lu Shiyi, Wang Yu~ Sheng Jing, Im Xibin, Jiang Shishao, Xia Youguang, Li Guomei, Hua Qianlong, Wang Faxiang, Gong Wan, Cao Fen, etc. Some of menbers' personal information is still under investigation. In the meanwhile, we find that some members of the I.ian Society also joined other similar societies, such as Zhongqiu Kunhu I.iterary Society in Changshu, Jiangsu Province, Loudong Shilao Society and Yinxi Poetry Society in faicang and the like, so other researches will be made upon this aspect. Above all, we can also make the further explorations of other poetry societies that Chen Hu and other members founded or joined. Thus, we can clarify relations about Lian Society and Wantan Shihua in more aspects. All of the related investigations will be useful to further researches on the associations of the adherents of the Ming Dynasty in the whole early Qing Dynasty and even the civil societies formed by ancient Chinese scholars.
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期155-163,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家清史编纂委员会资助项目(200410220204001)
关键词 清诗 莲社 遗民诗社 《顽潭诗话》 陈瑚 陆世仪 Qing poetry Lian Society adherents poetry society Wantan Shihua Chen Hu Lu Shiyi
  • 相关文献


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