兼长角纹石蛾幼虫适宜生存于水质优良且流速较快的水体环境 .该石蛾每年在湖南柘溪水库大坝之下几km范围大量发生 .对于水流速度较快的主干河流来说 ,采用常规剧毒农用杀虫剂对石蛾幼虫进行防治是不可取的 ,采用其它长期污染水质的办法控制石蛾幼虫的发生也不符合环境保护原则 .侧重报道如何选用对环境极少污染的酸碱盐及敌百虫等药物 ,当电站关闸停机 ,河床断流后 。
For a trunk river with fast flowing water to use some hard pesticides is not to allow to control the larvae of Amphipsyche proluta Macllachlan(Trichoptera).And to control the larvae quantitis by means of polluting the water quality ,does not conform with the principle of environmental protection.The methods of using innoxious or low noxious chemicals to control this insect was reported.The results of experiments show that,when the floodgate of the power station has closed down and the flowing water has broken off on the river,using the fluid of dipterex at the concentration of 3 mg/L could kill the larvae at proportion of 95% above in less than half an hour,or using the saturated solution of quicklime could kill the larvae at 90% above in less than four hours.