安康水电站自 1990年 12月首台机组投产发电至今已 10年 ,该电站的建成 ,为缓解陕西供电紧张局面 ,提高电网调峰、调频能力和增加备用容量作出了贡献。 10年来 ,安康电厂安全生产成绩显著 ,曾创连续安全生产 16 37d的历史记录 ;生产、生活设施基本健全 ;多种经营协调发展 ;获得省、部、局及地区级各种荣誉及奖励 80多项。安电人有信心 ,要把安康水电厂建成全国一流水电企业。
The Ankang Hydropower Station has generated electricity for 10 years since its first generating unit was put into operation in December 1990. The completion of this Station has made great contribution to the alleviation of power shortage in Shaanxi Province, the enhancement of peaking, frequency modulation and standby capacity in the power network. For 10 years, the Ankang Hydropower Station has gained outstanding achievements in the safe production and has made a record of continuous safe production for 1637 days. The Ankang Hydropower Station has been well equipped with production and living facilities. Its diversified economy has been properly developed. The Ankang Hydropower Station has won more than 80 titles and prizes at different levels of country, province, ministry, bureau and prefecture. The people of the Ankang Hydropower Station are confidence of building the Station into a first class hydropower enterprise at the country's level.
Water Power
operation of hydropower station
enterprise management
Ankang Hydropower Station