安康水电厂原水轮机调速器存在着稳定性、可靠性差与功能不全等问题 ,直接影响到机组的安全经济运行。为此 ,从 1999年起 ,首先对 1、4号机调速器进行了技术改造 ,更新改造的调速器采用SWT 15 0型双微机调速器。该设备投运前进行了整体性能试验 ,其主要指标均达到或超过国标和部标的要求 ,并具有操作简单、运行维护方便、工作可靠、性能优良等特点。该设备投运两年来未发生任何故障 ,2、3号机组调速器改造后 ,将使全厂的自动化水平进一步提高 ,为实现“无人值班”(少人值守 )打下基础。
The original speed governor for the turbine of the Ankang Hydropower Station is poor in stability, reliability and function. It directly impacts the safety and economic operation of the generating units. For this reason, since 1999 the technical transformation has been made for the speed governors of the No.2 and No.4 generating units and the SWT 150 twin computer speed governors have been adopted. The pre operation integrity performance tests show that its main indexes reach and surpass the requirements of national and ministerial standards and such speed governor has the advantages of simple handle, easy operation and maintenance, reliable working and good performance. Such governor has operated for 2 years and no failure occurs. The completion of the technical transformation for the speed governors of No.2 and No.3 generating units will further enhance the automation level of the plant and lay a sound foundation for realizing the unattended operation.
Water Power