
微针在透皮给药系统研究中的进展 被引量:4

Progress of Microneedles in Transdermal Drug Delivery System
摘要 皮肤角质层的屏障作用限制了大分子、水溶性药物在透皮给药系统中的应用,而提高被动扩散动力和使用促渗剂较难达到理想的效果。微针用于促进药物的透皮传递,特别是用于大分子药物及透皮免疫的研究已成为一个热点。本文在对近年来国内外文献调研的基础上综述了微针用于透皮给药系统的研究状况,包括微针的概念、类型及特点、影响药物通过微针透皮的因素和应用等。 The barrier function of the stratum corneum of skin limits the usage of macromolecular and hydrophilic drug in transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS). Through traditional passive diffusion dynamic way or adding penetration enhancers, the cumulative penetrative can be increased, but it may hardly reach an ideal effect. The investigation of microneedles in TDDS is one of the hot spots at present, especially in the field of macromolecular drug and transeutaneous immunization (TCI). Based on the domestic and foreign literatures in recent years, current status of microneedles application to TDDS is summarized. The conception, classification, characteristics, influence effects on microneedle-based transdermal drug delivery system and applications are introduced in this paper.
出处 《中国医药工业杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期1154-1159,共6页 Chinese Journal of Pharmaceuticals
基金 国家“重大新药创制”科技重大专项(2012ZX09304004)
关键词 透皮给药 微针 透皮免疫 综述 transdermal drug delivery system microneedle transcutaneous immunization review
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