

Negative Effects of High-Stakes Test Project: Imperial Examination's Historical Implications for America
摘要 中国古老的科举制度具有1300年的历史,在促进社会进步和文化繁荣的同时也产生许多负面社会问题,最终积重难返并导致自身的覆灭。美国高利害测验项目是联邦政府近十年来为了推行教育问责制度而在全国推广的州级统考和高中毕业考试,在取得一定正面效果的同时也产生了许多负面影响。由于高利害测验在美国的实施时间相对较短,其长期影响尚未可知,但目前的一些弊端与科举流弊具有高度相似性。了解科举的负面效果对预见美国高利害测验未来可能产生的危害具有借鉴意义,便于美国政府防患于未然。 Imperial examination with a long history of 1300 years in China also produces many negative social problems in promoting social progress and cultural prosperity, and finally leads to self destruction. High-stakes test project is state examination and high school graduation examination, and is conducted by American federal government for practicing educational accountability system in recent 10 years. It has brought certain positive effect, but also produced many negative effects. Since America doesn't have a comparatively long history of high- stakes test whose chronic negative effects remain to be seen. At present, the disadvantages of American high- stakes test are similar to those of imperial examination. Therefore, the negative effects of imperial examination can provide implications for foreseeable harm in American high- stakes test in the future, which may help American government take some preventive measures.
作者 李欣
出处 《教育与考试》 2013年第3期39-45,共7页 Education and Examinations
关键词 美国 高利害测验项目 科举 America high- stakes test project imperial examination
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