
空间站热分析综述 被引量:2

Thermal analysis for a space station
摘要 作为空间站研制、试验和运行管理的重要基础,系统级热分析已在国内外广泛开展。文章对空间站舱内空气流动分析、温湿度控制分析和以流体回路为核心的整体热建模分析等进行了综述,以国际空间站为重点介绍了这些技术的发展、实施方法、技术特点和作用。 As an important basis for space station development, test and operation management, the system-level thermal analysis is carried out extensively both at home and abroad. This paper reviews the space station system level thermal analysis of cabin air flow, temperature and humidity control analysis and the fluid loops as the core of the overall thermal modeling and analysis, including their development, implementation methods, technical features and functions.
出处 《航天器环境工程》 2013年第5期467-472,共6页 Spacecraft Environment Engineering
基金 国家重大科技专项工程
关键词 空间站 热分析 热数学模型 温湿度控制 流体回路 space station thermal analysis thermal mathematical model temperature and humidity control fluid loop
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