
判断与决策中的中等偏上效应 被引量:2

The Better-Than-Average Effect in Judgment and Decision Making
摘要 中等偏上效应是指人们评价自己比评价常人更积极的倾向。中等偏上效应普遍存在于判断与决策中。对中等偏上效应心理机制的解释分为动机理论和非动机理论。中等偏上效应的影响因素有评价维度的属性、研究方法、反馈、评价者对参照对象的信息知悉度和文化差异等。未来研究需要从中等偏上效应与过分自信、乐观偏差的关系,中等偏上效应的心理机制、应用领域等方面进一步探讨。 The better-than-average effect refers to the tendency for people to evaluate themselves more favorably than the average peer. The effect exists widely in judgment and decision making. Now two psychological mechanisms of the effect are introduced: motivational theory and nonmotivational theory. And then, we introduce influential factors of the better-than-average effect, including the attributes of evaluative dimensions, research methods, feedbacks, the knowledge of referents and cultural differences. In addition, the deficiencies existing in current research and the directions for future research are discussed.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期2027-2035,共9页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"不同社会阶层分配不公平感的归因模式及应对策略"(项目批准号:71171094)资助
关键词 中等偏上效应 动机理论 自我中心主义 广义群体理论 better-than-average effect motivational theory egocentrism generalized group ideas
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