
三维植物叶片萎蔫变化实时模拟 被引量:11

The Simulation of 3D Plant Leaves Wilting
摘要 为了真实模拟在缺水、高温等条件下植物叶片的萎蔫变形过程,结合植物叶片生理特征和物理特征,采用改进的单层质点-弹簧结构实时模拟了植物叶片萎蔫变形,较好地实现多种具有不同叶脉结构的植物叶片在三维空间中的动态萎蔫变形过程.首先从真实植物叶片的数字图像中提取叶片的边缘轮廓和叶脉,并在此基础上建立叶片的曲面网格模型;然后通过叶片曲面网格建立叶片的质点-弹簧变形模型,考虑到叶肉和叶脉结构在植物叶片萎蔫变形中具有不同的作用,将质点-弹簧模型中的质点分为叶脉质点、叶缘特征点和普通质点3类,同时设置不同的受力约束使不同类型的质点具有不同的运动方式;最后对叶脉位置上的弹簧和其他弹簧设置不同的收缩强度,以突出叶脉对叶片形变的主导作用.实验结果表明,该方法能够较好地模拟不同形态结构的植物叶片的萎蔫变形过程,满足实时交互的需要. To simulate the deformation process of virtual plant leaves wilting under the condition of lack of water, high temperature etc. , a new method is presented in this paper. By using an improved single layered mass-spring system that combines the physiological and physical characteristics of plant leaf, this method reproduces the wilting processes of plant leaves with different vein structures. This method takes several steps. First, outlines and veins of virtual plant leaf are extracted from leaf photos to generate a mesh model. Second, a mass-spring model is constructed from the mesh model. The mass-spring model takes the key observation into consideration that the wilting shapes of plant leaves are caused by different shrinkages between the mesophyll cells and vein cells during water shortages. Mass points in the mass-spring model are divided into three categories with different stress constraints so as to move mass points with different patterns. Finally, the contraction forces of springs on the vein are set differently to lhat of other springs in order Experimental results demonstrate that the prop def speed to use the vein to guide the deformation process 0 processes of plant leaves with different sed method realistically sire vein structure, and achieves ulates the wilting real-time rendering
出处 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期1643-1650,共8页 Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
基金 国家自然科学基金(60970073) 国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BAD35B01) 河北省自然科学基金(F2012203084) 北京市优秀人才培养资助项目(2010D002020000005)
关键词 植物叶片形态建模 DELAUNAY三角化 物理模拟 质点-弹簧模型 叶片变形 leaf shape modeling Delaunay triangulation physically based simulation mass springmodel leaves deformation
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