目的 探讨吸入性损伤患者血浆白细胞介素8(IL-8)水平变化与损伤时间、损伤程度之间的关系。方法 收集27例吸入性损伤患者血浆,采用ELISA方法,分别于伤后12 h及1、2、4、7 d测定血浆中IL-8水平。结果 吸入性损伤患者血浆IL-8水平于伤后1d内就明显升高,持续时间超过7d。结论 吸入性损伤能诱导机体产生IL-8,IL-8能影响全身免疫反应,并与吸入性损伤严重程度呈正相关。
Objective To observe the changes of plasma IL-8 levels and their association with the severity of and the passage of time after inhalation injury. Methods The plasma was separated from blood samples of 27 patients 12 h, 1, 2, 4 and7 d after inhalation injury. The IL-8 level in the plasma was determined by ELISA. Result IL-8 levels were significantly increased on day 1 and kept a high level for a period over 7 d. Conclusion Inhalation injury can induce the production of IL-8, and IL-8 level is positively correlated with the by severity of inhalation injury.
Journal of First Military Medical University