目的 :研究门、急诊药房窗口配方服务特点和优化措施。方法 :应用运筹学中排队论和数据统计的方法 ,对计算机联网前后门、急诊药房服务的特点及变化进行定量研究。结果 :( 1)药房窗口病人到达数的分布是不均匀的 ;( 2 )计算机联网后增加了窗口配方的服务时间 ;( 3)急诊药房窗口的平均服务时间为 74s/人 ,显著高于门诊药房平均服务时间 48s/人 ,这与二个药房品种剂型及每张处方的药品品种数有关 ;( 4)急诊药房在计算机联网后需增设一个服务窗口。结论 :应用运筹学中的排队论和数据统计方法可以为管理人员提供量化的分析指标 。
Objective: To investigate the actualities of service in Outpatient Pharmacy and Emergency Pharmacy. Methods: With queuing theory of operational research and data statistics, the specialities and varities of service in both Pharmacies were investigated before and after the application of computer network. Results: (1)The distribution of the patients number arriving the Pharmacies was unequal.(2) The time of service was extended after using network.(3)The average individual time of service in Emergency Pharmacy was 74 s, and 48 s in Outpatient Pharmacy. The reasons for the average individual time of service in Emergency Pharmacy more than that in Outpatient Pharmacy was related to the formulation of drugs in 2 pharmacies and the number of drugs on prescriptions. (4)The number of windows for service should be increased in Emergency Pharmacy after using network. Conclusion: Operational research and data statistics will provide the data assisting the manager in making decisions. [
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University