Objective To assess the clinical effect of posterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhex- is (PCCC) during cataract surgery to prevent posterior capsule opacification (PCO). Methods Ran- domly chose and studied 138 cataract patients (200 eyes) who had experienced PCCC during cata- ract extraction from January 2010 to December 2011 retrospectively. Follow-up time was 14 to 38 months, averaged 24 months. The cataract patients included 38 children (50 eyes), aged from 3 months to 15 year (mean 2.1 year), and 110 adult (150 eyes), aged from 19 to 85 year (mean 48.2 year). The vision, location of IOL in the eye and opacification in the optical axis of post-operation were observed. Results There were 25 children cataract patients (45 eyes) whose age less than 7 years of age had experienced PCCC and anterior vitrectomy during the cataract extraction. There were 3 children cataract patients (5 eyes) who's age more than 7 years of age and 110 adult cata- ract patients (150 eyes), who hand experienced PCCC during cataract phacoemulcification. Among the adult patients, there were 26 eyes (17.33%) who's vision was between 0.2 to 0.4, 92 eyes (61.33%) who's vision was between 0.5 to 0.8, also 32 eyes (21.33%) who's vision was or better than 1.0. In children patients, there were fibrosis capsule and round or similar round Soemmering ring in the edge of capculorhexis; in adult patients, the capsule of anterior was adhere to posterior, fibrosis in the anterior capsule, opacification could be found in the residual posterior capsule. The opacification of optical axis were not found in all the patients, and also other operative complication such as cystoid macular edema and retinal detachment and so on were not found. Conclnsions Pos- terior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis during cataract extraction is an effective way to prevent PCO, the complication is rare, can be used to prevent PCO of post-operation.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology