[目的]观察强力控释续骨贴对骨折愈合中骨愈合病理组织学及骨痂抗折强度的影响。[方法]取兔龄为5个月的健康日本雄性大白兔60只,在桡骨中下1/3交界处造成双侧桡骨2 mm缺损的横形骨折模型,造模成功后随机分为实验组、用药对照组、空白对照组。实验组在患处外敷强力控释续骨贴,用药对照组给予三七接骨散外敷患处,空白对照组不做任何处理。所有动物分别于术后2、3、4、5周制作桡骨标本进行骨痂抗折力检测和病理组织学检查。[结果]造模7 d内形态观察没有明显差异,14 d后显示实验组和用药对照组动物精神状态和活动情况良好,肿胀消退,空白对照组动物活动稍差,局部有肿胀及结节;组织病理学及抗折力研究显示造模后第3、4周,强力控释续骨贴组新骨生成快,骨折愈合良好;其生成骨痂的生物力学强度高于用药组及空白组。[结论]强力控释续骨贴在骨折愈合的早期即能够促进血肿机化,加速骨折愈合,而且能增加骨痂的力学强度,促使早期活动。
[Objective]To observethe effect of plaster controlled-release continued bone on bone healing as analyzed by histopathology, strength of callus, and flexural strength. [ Method] The study comprised 60 healthy male Japanese rabbits aged 5 months with a 2 mm transversely created bilateral radius defect at the junction of the 1/3 fracture model After the success of modeling, the rabbits were randomly divided into experimental group, drug control group, and blank control group. In the experimental group, the affected area was covered with a plaster,whereas in the drug control group, three seven bone powder was applied on the affected area. In the blank control group, no treatment was administered. After surgery, we assessed the resistance of the bone callus to fracture and performed pathological examination in all the animals at 2,3,4, and 5 weeks. [ Result ] After 7 days, no obvious difference was observed ,whereas after 14 days, the mental and activity status of the animals were observed to be in good condition and the swelling had subsided in the experimental and drug control group. In the blank control group, the activity status was found to have worsened slightly and local swelling and nodules were observed. At approximately 3 weeks after bone modeling, the histopathology and flexural strength analysis of the experimental group showed new bone formation and good fracture healing. We also obseived that the biomechanical strength of callus in the experimental group was higher than in the drug control and blank control group. [ Conclusion ] In early fracture healing, the plaster controlled-release continued bone could promote the formation of hematoma, accelerate the healing of fracture, and could also increase the mechanical strength of the callus, thereby promoting early resumption of activities.
Orthopedic Journal of China
the plaster controlled-release continued bone, flexural strength, fracture healing, external treatment oftraditional Chinese medicine