
钛板坚固内固定术治疗面中部骨折的手术径路探讨 被引量:4

Surgical approach of internal fixation of maxillofacial fracture
摘要 目的:总结分析坚固内固定术治疗面中部骨折的手术切口及暴露方法,探讨骨折复位及固定钛板的合理手术径路。方法:对76例手术病例进行总结,将骨折发生的部位及面部切口在每次手术中被使用的次数进行计数统计,分析各种手术径路的手术适应证及优缺点。术后随访半年以上,观察咬合功能恢复情况及面部美容效果。结果:上颌骨、颧骨骨折发病率较高,唇龈沟及下睑缘下隐蔽小切口的使用次数最多。半年后,面部切口愈合良好,无明显手术瘢痕形成,咬合功能恢复好。结论:合理选用手术切口能兼顾骨折部位暴露及面部美学效果。 Objective:By summary and analysis of rigid internal fixation for the treatment of maxillofacial frac- tures incision and exposure,investigate the plate reasonable surgical approach of fracture reduction and fixation ti- tanium. Method: Summary of the 76 surgical cases, Counting the statistics of the number that the surgery ways choosed by facial incision and fractures location ,analysis of the indications for surgery and the advantages and dis- advantages of various surgical approaches. Followed up fou more than six months, in order to observe the recovery of occlusal function and the facial cosmetic results. Result:The upper jaw or cheekbone has the more possibility in facial fracture , which used of a small incision hidden under the lip gingival sulcus and lower eyelid. After six months, the facial wound healing recover in good ocelusal with no obvious scarring. Conclusion: Reasonable choice of surgical incision can make the fracture site exposure and the facial aesthetic effect into account.
出处 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第22期1255-1257,共3页 Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery
关键词 颌面部骨折 坚固内固定术 微型钛板 maxillofacial fracture rigid internal fixation micro-plates
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