Objective:To investigate the imaging findings of primary fallopian tube carcinoma (PFTC) and to improve the accuracy of preoperative diagnosis. Methods:The imaging datas of CT and MRI of 12 patients with pathologically proved PFTC were retrospectively analyzed. 9 patients were examined by CT and 3 patients were examined by MR imging. Results: Ten of 12 patients with PFTC had unilateral adnexal masses and 2 patients had bilateral masses. Associated CT and MRI imaging findings were solid and lobulated mass (one case) , irregular solid mass with cystic component (five cases), sau-sage shaped solid mass (three cases), tubular cystic mass with soft tissue nodules (three cases)and hydrosalpinx (five case). On CT,after injection of contrast medium,nodes and solid masses enhanced slightly to moderately. Some showed de- layed enhancement. The cystic component showed no enhancement. On MRI, the nodes and solid masses showed moderate signal intensity on T1 WI and T2 WI. The cystic component was hypointense on T1 WI and hyperintense on T2 WI. Tumor was hetergeneously enhanced by gadopentetate dimeglumine. Solid mass and soft tissue nodules were hyperintense on DWI. Eight of 12 patients had thick uterine round ligament. It takes the natural form and homogeneous enhancement. Conclusion: The image manifestations of PFTC are sausage-shaped mass, tubular cystic mass, solid mass and hydrosalpinx. The thicken-ing of ipsilateral uterine round ligament is an important indirect sign.
Radiologic Practice
Fallopian tube neoplasms
Tomography,X ray computed
Magnetic resonance imaging