票据犯罪主体因罪而异 ,有的票据犯罪一般个人主体、一般单位主体不能实施 ,只有特殊个人主体、特殊单位主体才能实施。有的票据犯罪主体必须具有票据当事人身份 ,非票据当事人不能成为该项犯罪主体。票据犯罪罪过形式是故意和过失 ,模糊罪过和混合罪过的观点并不适用刑法所要求的票据犯罪。银行结算凭证虽然不是票据 ,但是应该归属票据犯罪对象范畴。我国刑法应当承认票据无形伪造。
The subjects of crimes involving negotiable instrument are different in various cases.Some crime of this kind cannot be committed by an ordinary individual or ordinary unit as the subject,and only can be committed by a specific individual and specific unit.Some subject of the crime must have the status of a party to a negotiable instrument,it is impossible for a non party to become the subject of the crime.The types of crimes concerning negotiable instrument consist of both intentional and negligentcrimes. Views on buggy offense and mixed offense are not applicable to such crimes as stipulated in the Criminal Law.There are nine behavior patterns in crimes involving negotiable instruments.but illegal filling in the content of the instruments.Banking settlement voucher cannot be rendered as instruments.Howver it shauld be classified as objects of instrument crime.Intangeable forsification of instruments should be accepted in the chinese criminal law.
Chinese Journal of Law