单比特数字接收机具有瞬时带宽大、处理实时、灵敏度高、体积小等优点,作为新一代数字瞬时测频接收机,在电子战领域具有广泛用途。主要从理论和实验两个方面对MonoDFT测频算法进行研究,在10 GS/s采样条件下,采用256点MonoDFT可以获得-70 dBm的灵敏度和小于500 ns的延迟时间。
The 1 bit digital receivers offer some merits including wide bandwidth, real time processing, high sensitivity and small volume. As a new generation of digital instantaneous frequency measurement receiver, monobit digital receivers can be used widely in electronic warfare field. In this paper, a monoDFT arithmetic for monobit receiver is studied by theoLy and experiment. For 10 GS/s 1 bit sampling, a sensitivity of -70 dBm and a processing delay time of less than 500 ns with 256 points monoDFT fi'equnecy measuring can be obtained.
Application of Electronic Technique