中美 1999年 11月 15日达成我国“入世”协议后,我国加入世贸组织的前景已经明朗。国内学者关于“入世”的利弊分析也更加具体,但其着眼点大都局限于短期的产业市场冲击或市场机遇,很少讨论“入世”冲击的中长期动态持续效应,即国际和国内资本投资的产业领域改变所导致的经济结构调整效应。该文通过揭示“入世”冲击的传导机制,对“入世”后我国经济结构的变动趋势进行了分析。
The prospect of China's entering WTO is certain after China and the U. S. signed the agreement on the matter on November 15, 1999. The cost-benefit analysis on the matter by Chinese scholars has become more specific ever since. However, much of the analysis has been limited to the short-run market impacts or market opportunities of industries. The lasting dynamic effects in the middle and long run concerning China's entering WTO, that is, the structural adjustment effects of an economy caused by the change of the investment fields by domestic and foreign capital, have been discussed very little. This paper analyzes the variation trend of China's economic structure ther she enters WTO by means of exposing the transmission mechanism of the shock of China's entering WTO.
Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition)