

The Yellow River Afforestation Project Benefit Evaluation of Regional Sustainable Development: Example of the Western Region of Inner Mongolia
摘要 在分析生态、经济、社会可持续发展基础上,建立了一套指标体系与赋值标准在内的区域可持续发展评价方法,该方法中评价内容包括工程实施及政策执行情况、生态、经济、社会效益4项内容。采用该评价体系对黄河中上游的内蒙古自治区乌审旗、伊金霍洛旗、五原县和清水河县等四旗县日元贷款造林项目可持续发展效益进行定量分析。结果表明:工程实施及政策执行情况权重占20%、生态指标权重占20%,经济因素决定社会发展,其权重占30%,社会权重占30%,进行区域可持续发展评价,通过4个旗县可持续发展评价指标体系的对比知伊金霍洛旗无论在经济、生态,还是社会效益方面数值都有了很大的提高,伊金霍洛旗总分为80.12。其他3个旗县也取得了显著生态效益、经济效益、社会效益,乌审旗、五原县、清水河县总分分别为77.71、80.12、74和79.98。研究结果表明,此方法可行,可用于关于生态建设项目的可持续效益评价,并定量的分析影响可持续发展的不足和优势因子。 The implementation of yen loans forestation project has the extremely vital significance to the sustainable development of the project area. Based on the analysis of ecological, economic and social sustainable development, this article created a set of method for the sustainable development of the project area which includes index system and assignment standard. The basic index of this method included project implementation and policy implementation, ecological, economic, and social four items. And by using this system, Inner Mongolia autonomous region Wushen, Yijinhuoluoqi, Wuyuan and Qingshuihe were quantitatively analyzed after the yen loans forestation project. And the results showed that: Project implementation and policy implementation index weighted 20%, ecological index weighted 20%, and economy determines social development index weights 30%, the society accounted for 30%. Through the evaluating indicator system of sustainable development of Yijinhuoluoqi and the four flags county, it showed that Yijinhuoluoqi had a higher improvement whether in economic, ecological or social benefit, total score was 80.12. Three other flag county also gained remarkable ecological, economic and social benefits, and total score of Wuyuanxian, Qingshuihexian Wushenqi banner were 77.71, 80.12, 74, 79.98. The results showed that, this method was feasible, can be used to evaluate the sustainable benefits of the ecological construction project, analysis and quantitative advantage and disadvantage factor of sustainable development.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2013年第28期77-82,共6页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
关键词 日元贷款造林 可持续发展 指标体系 yen loans afforestation sustainable development index system
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