利用Web of Science(SCI-E,SSCI,A&HCI)数据库,对美国雪城大学(SU)信息研究学院(SIS)相关文献进行收集。首先,将收集到的文献按照年代、文献类型、来源期刊、学科类别、基金资助机构等方面进行文献计量分析。其次,本文从作者角度进行了科研合作分析,SIS(SU)科研合作已经逐渐走向技术化和国际化,同时运用社会网络可视化技术,绘制出作者合作网络图,SIS(SU)已经形成了比较大的合作团体。最后,通过高被引文献分析,揭示了SIS(SU)的研究内容与方向。本文客观的揭示了雪城大学信息研究学院的科研实力、科研合作情况与研究内容。
This paper collected literature of the School of Information Studies (Syracause University, SU) from Web of Science database (SCI- E, SSCI, A&HCI). Firstly, a bibliometric analysis has been conducted, including publication year, document type, source journal, subject, and funding agencies analysis. Secondly, this paper has conducted co- operation anal- ysis of scientific research from the perspective of authors and countries, and the scientific research cooperation of SIS (SU) has been gradually moving towards technology and international, meanwhile, this paper has applied social network visu^liTation tech- niques to draw a co - operation network diagram of authors, and SIS (SU) has formed a relatively large cooperative group. Final- ly, this paper has revealed the research content and direction of the SIS (SU) by high-cited literature analysis. 1his paper has revealed objectively the research strength, research cooperation and research content of SIS (SU).
Journal of Modern Information