通过与 5 0~ 6 0年代的西部建设、80年代的东部发展以及国外开发落后地区的比较分析 ,指出西部大开发在机制、开发战略、市场环境、政策效应、开发条件等方面的新特点 ,进而指出西部大开发既不能沿袭 5 0~ 6 0年代西部建设的路子 ,也不能套用 80年代东部经济发展的模式 ,更不能照搬照抄其他国家的模式 ,应该选择具有西部特点的开发模式。在此基础上分析了西部大开发可供选择的几种模式 ,即东部优势企业+西部优势资源模式、点轴辐射模式、高新技术产业带动模式、改革开放开发模式、特色农业开发模式 。
It begins with a comparative analysis of the construction of the west regions of China in the 1950s and 1960s,the development of the east regions of China in the 1980s and the development of the backward regions of foreign countries.It then presents the new features of development of the west regions of China today in mechanism,developmental strategies,market circumstances,policy effect and developmental conditions,according to which it indicates that we should find out a developmental pattern possesing the characteristics of the west regions of China. Finally,it analyses the respective characters and applicability of four alternative developmental patterns.
Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition