
云南国外引进小麦品种主要性状遗传多样性及相关性分析 被引量:3

Genetic Diversity and Correlation Analysis of Main Agronomic Characters in Foreign Wheat Varieties in Yunnan
摘要 为了提高云南小麦育种水平,对云南50年来从国外引进并大面积推广的品种进行遗传多样性及相关性分析。结果表明:穗形、壳色、粒色、粒质、饱满度频率分布较集中,遗传多样性较低。生育期、基本苗、最高茎蘖数、有效穗、有效分蘖、株高、穗粒数、穗长、结实小穗数、不结实小穗数、空瘪粒数,千粒重、溶重、产量均存在较大变异,变异幅度系数为1.22%~28.36%,各性状遗传多样性指数均较大,平均为1.7321,结实小穗数多样性指数最大,为2.0381,株高多样性指数最小,为1.4105,表明13份国外引进小麦品种具有较丰富的遗传多样性。基本苗与最高茎蘖数、有效穗呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别达0.555、0.76,最高分蘖数与有效穗呈极显著正相关,相关系数达0.66,基本苗是分蘖数、有效穗形成的基础,穗粒数与千粒重、基本苗呈极显著负相关,相关相关系数别达-0.61、-0.62,穗粒数与千粒重、基本苗是产量构成的一个矛盾体,产量与基本苗、最高茎蘖数、有效分蘖、千粒重、生育期呈正相关,与穗空瘪粒数呈极显著负相关,相关系数达-0.63,因此,在不影响茬口的前提下,选择生育期较长的品种,适当增加播种量,提高基本苗,加强田间管理,促进分蘖,提高成穗率和千粒重,降低空瘪粒数是获得高产的有效手段。 In order to improve the ability of wheat breeding in Yunnan Province, this article studied variety genetic diversity and correlation analysis of the varieties introduced from abroad and population to a large area in nearly 50 years in Yunnan Province. The results indicated that, the frequency distribution of spike shape, hull color, grain color, grain quality, full degree was concentrated, genetic diversity was low. Growth period, seedlings, the highest tiller number, effective panicles, effective tiller, plant height, grain number per spike, spike length, spikelet number, nor spikelet number, 1000-grain weight, empty grain number, grain weight perliter, yield had greater coefficient of variability, range from 1.22% to 28.36%, all agronomic traits tested showed great diversity indexes, ranging from 1.4105 to 2.0381 with an average of 1.7321, which showed this 13 germplasm had great diversity. Seedlings were significantly and positively related to maximum tiller number, effective spike, the correlation coefficient was respectively 0.555, 0.76. The highest number of tillers and effective spike was highly significant positive correlation, the correlation coefficient was 0.66, basic seedling was the basis of tiller number and effective spike, grain number per spike and 1000-grain weight, basic seedling is significant negative correlation, the correlation coefficient is respectively 0.66, grain number per spike and 1000-grain weight, basic seedling was a yield paradox, yield was positively correlated with basic seedling, maximum tiller number, effective tiller, 1000-grain weight, growth period was positive, significantly negatively to empty grain number, the correlation coefficient was-0.63. Therefore, without affecting the rotation under the premise, choosing a longer growing variety, appropriately increase the seeding quantity, improve the basic seedling, strengthen field management, promote tillering, increase the rate of useful spike and 1000-grain weight, reduce empty grains was an useful method to obtain high yield.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2013年第30期35-40,共6页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 重点新产品开发计划项目"优质高产多抗麦类新产品选育"(2012-2015) 国家小麦现代产业体系(CARS-3-2-44) 云南省农业科学院麦类育种创新团队
关键词 小麦 遗传多样性 性状分析 相关系数 wheat genetic diversity character analysis correlation coefficient
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