
沥青混合料抗水损害性能评价方法研究 被引量:2

Evaluation Method of Asphalt Mixture Water-Damage Resistance Performance
摘要 在利用现有试验方法评价沥青混合料水稳定性的过程中,试验条件与路面实际的工作条件明显不同,因此试验结果与使用效果存在很大的偏差。而用试件饱水煮沸后的劈裂强度来评价其抵抗水损害的能力,操作简便、作用效果明显、准确度高,是一种值得推广的方法。 In the use of the existing experiment method to evaluate water stability of asphalt mixture, exper- imental condition is obviously different from the actual work condition of road surface, so there is a big deviation between the result of the experiment and the use effect. Using splitting strength of test specimen with water after boiling to evaluate the ability of resistance to water racy, which is a kind of method worth promoting. damage is easy to operate, has obvious effect and high accu-racy, which is a kind of method worth promoting.
出处 《交通标准化》 2013年第22期47-49,共3页 Communications Standardization
关键词 沥青混合料 水稳定性 评价方法 试验研究 asphalt mixture water stability evaluation method experimental study
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