
光子注量到周围剂量当量转换系数的Monte-Carlo模拟 被引量:2

Monte-Carlo Simulation of Conversion Coefficient for Ambient Dose Equivalent from PhotonFluence
摘要 本文采用蒙特卡罗程序EGS5计算了10 keV~10 MeV光子注量到周围剂量当量的转换系数.模拟计算中考虑了两种情况:1)不带次级电子模拟;2)带次级电子模拟.把两种情况下的计算值与前研究者的计算值及ICRP 74号报告中的建议值进行了比较.并给出了用于计算光子注量与周围剂量当量间的转换系数的拟合公式. The conversion coefficients for ambient dose equivalent from photon fluence were calculated using Monte-Carlo code EGS5 with photon energy 10 keV ~ 10 MeV. The two cases were considered in the simulation:1 ) without the secondary electrons in transport;2 ) with the secondary electrons in transport. Our results shows good agreement with prior study and the data recommended by ICRP 74 Report. The fitted formulae for calculating the con-version coefficients in the photon energy 20 keV ~ 10 MeV were given based on the data obtained by EGS5 code.
出处 《南华大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第3期6-9,共4页 Journal of University of South China:Science and Technology
关键词 蒙特卡罗 EGS5 光子注量 周围剂量当量 Monte-Carlo EGS5 photon fluence ambient dose equivalent
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