

Uranium Mine Radon Discharge Pollution Simulation
摘要 铀矿开采会产生大量的氡排放到大气中,对环境产生一定程度的放射性污染.本文通过建立氡气扩散模型,对矿井排出的氡的污染程度和范围进行了合理的理论估算,讨论在不同的自然条件下选择适当高度的排风口和相应范围内的重点防护区域.计算结果表明:当排风口的选取在高出周围环境20 m以上时,排风口周围氡污染的程度不高,但考虑到经济、矿山地形以及通风条件等因素的影响时,选取排风口的位置和相应的重点防护区域应作最优化分析和设计. Large amount of radon is emitted to the atmosphere in uranium mining, which have a certain degree of radioactive pollution to the environment. Through the establishment of the radon diffusion model,the article carried out reasonable theoretical estimates for cal-culating the degree and range of radon pollution caused by uranium mining,and discussed how to select the appropriate height of the exhaust vents and the key protection area within the corresponding neighborhood under different natural conditions. The results show that the radon pollution level is not high around the exhaust vents when the height of the ex-haust vents is 20 meters higher than the surrounding environment. However,given the in-fluences of economy, mining terrain, ventilation conditions and other factors, the analysis and design should be optimized for selecting location of exhaust vents and the correspond-ing key protection areas.
出处 《南华大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第3期28-31,共4页 Journal of University of South China:Science and Technology
关键词 铀矿山 氡浓度 扩散范围 污染程度 uranium mines radon concentration diffusion range pollution levels
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