
明代西蜀熊过之易象学 被引量:1

On the Ming Scholar Xiong Guo's Imagery Theory
摘要 明代西蜀熊过不仅以文章名,而且研思经训,发明易象,颇有成就。他早年读宋易不合,转而为汉易,复就读中秘书,尽求古易说,以深沉之思,神悟妙契,又亲近师友,重加讨索,紬绎参稽30余年而后成《周易象旨决录》一书。全书以易本在象,将象分为有象之象、无象之象,而务求明象之旨。其方法则是综汇众说,而以心体悟,融会贯通而尽其蕴。复以象为主,义必考古,订证今文,辨证经传。在辨析象旨中,融通三教,阐发义理,为当时、后世所重,成为"易学在蜀"的代表人物之一。 The Ming ( 1368-1644) scholar Xiong Guo from Xishu ( nowadays Sichuan Province) was not only famous for his articles but also achieved a lot in illuminating imagery of the Changes. In his early years, he read Song Yi tradition but did not find it could meet his interest, and then he turned to Han Yi tradition. In addition, he explored the secret books collected in the imperial library, pondered it over, had discussions with his teachers and friends, and finally completed his magnum opus Zhouyi xiangzhijuelu ( lit. , Collected Purports of the Images of the Changes) thirty years later. The whole book regards the images as the foundation of the Chan- ges and divided them into the images which symbolize concrete things and the images which have no concrete symbols to clarify the purports of the images. He synthesized various views, thoroughly sought the meanings of the Changes by heart, threaded through all approaches to completely reveal its quintessence. And then he mainly drew on images, took evidence from ancient understandings as references in order to clarify the basic text and Commentaries. In differentiating and analyzing the purports of the images, he synthe- sized the three teachings of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism to explicate the meanings and principles, which was highly es- teemed by both his contemporary and later scholars and became one of the representative figures on the Changes in Shu.
作者 金生杨
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期56-65,共10页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 熊过 《周易象旨决录》 易学 Xiong Guo Zhouyi xiangzhi juelu scholarship on thChanges
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