绿萼紫茄杂交种托米娜(33-22)是以GEP07-33为母本,GEP07-K22为父本配制而成的绿萼紫长茄一代杂种。该品种株型直立,果实长棒状,光泽度好,商品性好,单果质量193.07 g,生育期117.30 d,抗黄萎病和绵疫病,适于保护地长季栽培。
Tuomina (33-22) is a new purple eggplant F1 hybrid with green calyx developed by taking GEP07-33 and GEPO7-K22 as female and male parent respectively. The plant is upright. The fruit is rod-shaped, glossy, with good commercial characters, and the average fruit weight is 193.07 g. Its growth period is 117.30 days, and it is resistant to verticillium wilt and phytophthora blight. It is suitable for long season cultivation in protected fields.
Journal of Changjiang Vegetables