On the basis of economic development trends and characteristics in three regions of Southern Xinjiang from the year 2000 to 2011, the paper employs gray correlation model to analyze the three times contributions of the industries in three regions of Southern Xinjiang. Then, it uses the model of GM ( 1, 1 ) to predict three times industrial added value in the following five years in these three regions. Conclusions are drawn that the economic development in three regions of Southern Xinjiang is rela- tively backward, the drive of the secondary industry to the economic growth is weak, the industrial development is very weak; ac- cording to the development trend of 2007-2011, it is predicted that during 2012 -2016, the Three regions of Southern Xinjiang in the three times industrial added value will continue to improve, the industrial structure will continue to optimize. Finally, such feasible suggestions arc put forward as accelerating the industrial development to give impetus to the process of new industrializa-tion; accelerating the development of characteristic agriculture to push forward the modernization of agriculture and animal hus-bandry; speeding up the transfer of rural labor to promote new urbanization; accelerating the development of modern service in-dustry to improve the quality of development of the service industry.
Finance & Economics of Xinjiang
Three Regions of Southern Xinjiang
Economic Development
Gray Correlation Degree
Gray Prediction Model