目的探讨寿胎丸对复发性流产小鼠蜕膜组织膜联蛋白A2(annexin A2)表达的影响。方法品系CBA/J的雌性小鼠与品系BALB/C雄性小鼠交配建立正常妊娠模型,品系CBA/J的雌性小鼠与品系DBA/2雄性小鼠交配建立复发性流产模型,将复发性流产模型孕鼠按怀孕先后顺序随机分为4组:模型组、寿胎丸高剂量组、寿胎丸中剂量组和寿胎丸低剂量组,从妊娠第1天开始灌胃给药,至孕14d处死小鼠,采用免疫组化与蛋白印迹方法检测各组孕鼠蜕膜组织annexin A2的表达强度。结果模型组与正常组相比,蜕膜annexin A2表达明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);寿胎丸高、中、低剂量组与模型组相比,蜕膜annexin A2表达均升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);寿胎丸高剂量组蜕膜annexin A2表达较中、低剂量组明显升高(P<0.01)。结论通过上调复发性流产小鼠蜕膜组织annexin A2的表达,从而维持妊娠,这可能是寿胎丸安胎的作用机制之一。
Objective To discuss the influence of Shoutai Wan on expression of annexin A2 in decidual tissues in mice with recurrent abortion.Methods The model of normal pregnancy was established based on mating of female strain CBA/J mice and male strain BALB/C mice.The model of recurrent abortion was established based on mating of female strain CBA/J mice and male strain DBA/2 mice.The mice with recurrent abortion were randomly divided into model group,high-dose,mid-dose and low dose Shoutai Wan groups (high-dose group,mid-dose group and low-dose group) according to order of pregnancy.All groups were given medicinal intragastrically from the 1 st day of pregnancy,and killed on the 14th day.The expression of annexin A2 in decidual tissues in all groups was detected by using immunohistochemical method and Western blot.Results The expression of annexin A2 decreased significantly in model group compared with that in control group,and the difference between the two groups was significant (P < 0.01).The expressions of annexin A2 increased in high-dose group,mid-dose group and low-dose group compared with that in model group,and difference was significant (P < 0.01).The expression of annexin A2 increased significantly in high-dose group compared with that in mid-dose group and low-dose group,and difference was significant (P < 0.01).Conclusion Shoutai Wan can regulate upwards the expression of annexin A2 in decidual tissues to maintain pregnancy in mice with recurrent abortion,which may be one of its mechanisms to prevent miscarriage.
Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine