We investigate the charge transport in close-packed ultra-narrow (1.5 nm diameter) gold nanowires stabilized by oleylamine ligands. We give evidence of charging effects in the weakly coupled one-dimensional (1D) nanowires, monitored by the temperature and the bias voltage. At low temperature, in the Coulomb blockade regime, the current flow reveals an original cooperative multi-hopping process between 1D-segments of Au-NWs, minimising the charging energy cost. Above the Coulomb blockade threshold voltage and at high temperature, the charge transport evolves into a sequential tunneling regime between the nearest- nanowires. Our analysis shows that the effective length of the Au-NWs inside the bundle is similar to the 1D localisation length of the electronic wave function (of the order of 120 nm _+ 20 nm), but almost two orders of magnitude larger than the diameter of the nanowire. This result confirms the high structural quality of the Au-NW segments.
我们调查费用运输在拥挤不堪极端狭窄(1.5 nm 直径) 金 nanowires 由 oleylamine ligands 稳定了。我们给控告效果在的证据微弱地联合了一个维(1D ) nanowires,由温度和偏爱电压监视了。在低温度,在库仑封锁政体,当前的流动揭示在 Au-NWs 的 1D 片断之间的一个原来的合作多跳跃的过程,最小化收费精力费用。在库仑封锁阀值电压上面并且在高温度,费用运输演变为在 nearestnanowires 之间的顺序的通道政体。我们在捆内的 Au-NWs 的有效长度类似于电子波浪的 1D 本地化长度的分析表演工作(120 nm 的顺序吗??