
血清丙氨酸转氨酶与儿童体质量的相关性研究 被引量:1

Analysis on Correlation between Serum Alanine Aminotransferase and Weight of Children
摘要 目的探讨血清丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)与儿童体质量指数(BMI)的关系。方法对2011年9月至2012年1月如皋市三所中小学生3000例儿童进行体格检查,根据BMI分为正常组、超重组和肥胖组,比较三组ALT的水平,并运用Logistic回归分析其影响因素。结果儿童超重率为21.1%,肥胖率为8.2%。超重组和肥胖组BMI、ALT水平显著高于正常组,肥胖组BMI、ALT水平也显著高于超重组,三组间经方差分析,差异均有统计学意义(F=2377.62,4124.57,P<0.01)。BMI和ALT Spearman相关系数为0.989。Logistic回归分析结果显示,腰臀围和BMI是ALT是否升高的主要因素(P=0.000),BMI与ALT的偏回归系数为4.235。结论儿童BMI与血清ALT水平具有相关性,血清ALT可以作为儿童体质量的检测指标。 Objeetive To analyze the relationship between serum alanine aminotransferase(ALT) and chihtren BMI. Methods Three thousand medical examination children from three schools in Rugao city duning Sep. 2011 and Jan. 2012 were divided into standard,overweight and obese group according to BMI, the AI,T levels of the three groups were cnmpared, and the Ix^gistic regression analysis was used to analyze the impact factor. Results The prevalence of overweight was 21. 1%, the obesity rate was 8.2%. BM1 and ALT levels in overweight and obese group were significantly higher than the normal group, and the obese group was significantly higher than the overweight group,by analysis of varianee among the three groups,the differences were statistically significant( F = 2377.62,4124.57, P 〈 0.01 ). The Pearson correlation coeffi- cient between BMI and ALT was 0. 989. Logistic regression analysis showed that waist and hip circumference and BMI were major influence factors of ALT( P =0. 000). Partial regression coefficient of BMI and ALT was 4. 235. Conclusion Children's BMI has a correlation with serum ALT levels. Serum ALT can be used as a detection indicator of overweight.
出处 《医学综述》 2013年第19期3615-3616,共2页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 血清丙氨酸转氨酶 体质量指数 相关性 Serum aminotransferase Body mass index Correlation
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