
词语理据丧失原因考证 被引量:5

A Study of the Causes for the Loss of Lexical Motivations
摘要 词语理据关联着语言符号的产生和演化,但它易于模糊、湮没甚至丧失,既造成人们怀疑语言理据是否存在的后果,又使理据研究长期以来处于主流范式之外。词语理据丧失有其内因和外因。内因指理据的意念性、潜隐性、历时性和语言表述性等属性导致它自身难以显化。外因指词语的意义支点、曲折表达和文字书写等因素对理据的干扰与磨损。词语理据丧失原因的考证有助于构建语言理据理论、认知索绪尔任意性思想、促进解释语言学发展。 Lexical motivations constrain the formation and evolution of linguistic signs, but they tend to be opaque, fade or even lose. As a result, the existence of motivatedness is often questioned and the studies in this field have been marginal- ized as well. The loss of lexical motivations can be accounted for both internally and externally. The internal cause refers to the attributes of motivations like their conceptualness, latentness, diachrony and the linguistic interpretation which lead to the untransparency of lexical motivations. The external cause means the factors such as meaning markers, indirect expres- sions and written signs which interfere with and erode lexical motivations. The study on the causes for the loss of lexical mo- tivations is conducive to the construction of a theory concerning linguistic motivatedness, the cognition on the language arbi- trariness and the development of the explanatory linguistics.
作者 李二占
出处 《外国语文》 北大核心 2013年第4期61-65,共5页 Foreign Languages and Literature
基金 教育部人文社科研究青年基金项目"语言理据学中的若干理论问题"(12YJC740043)阶段性研究成果
关键词 理据丧失 内外因 意念性与语言表述性 意义支点 曲折表达 文字书写 loss of motivations internal and external causes conceptualness and the linguistic interpretation of motiva-tions meaning markers indirect expressions written signs
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