
体外诱导树突状细胞向破骨细胞分化的研究进展 被引量:1

Research Progress of Induced Dendritic Cells Differentiation into Osteoclasts in Vitro
摘要 破骨细胞(OC)来源于骨髓来源的单核细胞,在骨代谢平衡中起重要作用。近年研究发现,免疫系统和骨系统关系密切,参与免疫调节的树突状细胞(DC)在多发性骨髓瘤(MM)环境下可以细胞融合方式转化为参与骨重建的OC,且是比单核细胞更具分化效率的、更接近OC的前体细胞。这对于理解MM无疑有重要作用。该文就DC转化为OC的生物学过程及其临床意义予以综述。 Osteoelasts (OC)are from bone marrow-derived mononuelear cells, and play an important role in bone metabolic balance. Recently it has been noticed that there is a close relationship between the immune and bone system. Dendritic cells( DC )involved in immunoregulation can transdifferentiate into OC involved in bone remodeling by cell fusion in the myeloma (MM) environment, which is a precursor cell closer to OC and with higher differentiation efficiency than monoeytes, and it's of great significance for the understanding of MM. Here is to make a review of the biological processes and the clinical significance of DC differentiating into OC.
出处 《医学综述》 2013年第20期3655-3657,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
基金 国家自然科学基金(81172259) 福建省自然科学基金(2011J05064)
关键词 破骨细胞 树突状细胞 单个核细胞 Osteoelasts Dendritic cells Mononuelear cells
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