
后现代消费文化的伦理思考——论达雷尔小说《阿芙罗狄特的反抗》 被引量:1

Ethical Reflections on Postmodern Consumption Culture:On Durrell's Novel The Revolt of Aphrodite
摘要 通过《阿芙罗狄特的反抗》劳伦斯·达雷尔实现了对后现代消费文化在虚拟小说世界中的构拟与批判。小说中梅林公司建立的全球范围内的商业帝国是后现代消费文化的微缩景观。通过对发明者、公司、产品和消费者之间复杂伦理关系的描述,达雷尔为读者提出了一系列后现代消费文化下的伦理真空和伦理危机等亟待解决的问题。达雷尔意在指出:消费者个人层面上理性意志的觉醒和有德、有志且处于权力阶层的"有机知识分子们"果敢、正确的伦理判断和伦理选择,才是遏制后现代消费文化中人们的"兽性因子",回归"人性因子"的有效途径。 Through The Revolt of Aphrodite Lawrence Durrell has reconstructed and criticized the postmodern con- sumption culture in a virtual world of the novel. The global commercial empire established by Merlin Group is a miniature of postmodem consumption culture. Through the description of complicated ethical relations among in- ventor, company, product and consumer, Durrell raises a series of urgent questions such as ethical vacuum and ethical crisis. Durrell intends to argue that the awakening of rational will on an individual level and the decisive correct ethical judgment and choice made by "Organic Intellectuals" with sound ethical conscience and aspiration on an authoritative level are the ways in which man' s "animal factor" in postmodern consumption culture is con- tained and man' s "human factor" is effectively regained.
作者 徐彬 刘禹
出处 《山东外语教学》 北大核心 2013年第5期93-97,共5页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"劳伦斯.达雷尔研究"(项目编号:13CWW018) 第53批中国博士后基金项目"伦理选择与价值评判--劳伦斯.达雷尔研究"(项目编号:2013M531715) 国家社科基金重大项目"文化观念流变中的英国文学典籍研究"(项目编号:12&ZD172)的阶段性成果
关键词 后现代消费文化 伦理 劳伦斯·达雷尔 《阿芙罗狄蒂的反抗》 postmodern consumption culture ethics Lawrence Durrell The Revolt of Aphrodite
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  • 2Michael V. Dibon, "Preface", in Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria Quartet in Its Egyptian Context, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2004, p. xvii- xxxii.
  • 3Stefan Herbrechter, Lawrence Durrell, Postmodernism and the Ethics of Alterity, Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi B. V, 1999, p. 261.
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  • 6Qtd. in Stefan Herbrechter, Lawrence DurreU, Postmodernism and the Ethics of Alterity , p. 264.
  • 7Joseph A. Boone, "Mappings of Male Desire in Durrell's Alexandria Quartet', in South Atlantic Quarterly, 88. 1 (1989) , pp. 73 - 106.
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  • 10Lawrence Durrell andHenry Miller, The Durrell-MillerLetters, 1935-80, Ian S. MacNiven, ed., New York: New Directions, 1988, p. 508.










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