This paper uses geographic information system technology combined with exploratory spatial data analysis to study in the Pan-Yangtze River Delta in China. The paper selects data from three time periods, 2001, 2005 and 2010, and discusses urban tourism spatial agglomeration characteristics and heterogeneous spatial pattern evolution during the transitional period. A semivariogram heterogeneous spatial pattern simulation is produced. The results show that the spatial agglomeration of urban tourism in the Pan-Yangtze River Delta is significant. The spatial agglomeration pattern differs between the per capita domestic tourism income and the per capita total tourism income, while the spatial growth pattern in these sectors shows a large difference. Specifically, economic and transportation developments have significantly facilitated development of the urban tourism industry in the Shanghai and Nanjing agglomerative region, with both urban areas passing the 1% significance test. Tourism centers have a large polar nucleus, with structural and random factors jointly promoting tourism development. As regional tourism cooperation deepens, heterogeneous patterns will weaken. A spatial lag model test shows that the least squares estimation of the F statistic is greater than 100, the goodness of fit is more than 0.8 and residual through the 1% test. The level of economic development and the degree of transportation development both have a strong effect on promoting the urban tourism industry. The polar focus within the urban tourism industry has become increasingly significant. A simulation model examining the heterogeneity of the tourism industry shows that the Gauss model is the best fit and that the Pan-Yangtze River Delta urban tourism industry has good continuity. The base value is growing with structural factors taking an increasingly leading role. We are currently facing a critical tourism transformation period, hence discussions on the heterogeneity of urban tourism agglomeration economic space has an extremely important theoretical significance and has practical value for the effective grasp of spatial dependence and the border spillovers existing between tourism industry provincial units.
Tourism Tribune
transitional period
tourism economy
temporal and spatial agglomeration
heterogeneity simulation
Pan-Yangtze River Delta