目的利用Meta分析的方法评估氯吡格雷抗血小板作用的效果和细胞色素P450 2C19基因(CYP2C19)多态性之间的相关性。方法计算机检索中国知网、万方、维普、中国生物医学文献数据库、Cochrane图书馆、SCI、EMBASE和PubMed数据库,并手工检索相关杂志,收集氯吡格雷使用患者CYP2C19 A/G位点多态性的基因频率和抗血小板效应的独立病例对照研究,提取有效的数据,用RevMan 5.0软件进行Meta分析。结果共纳入8个病例对照研究,包括1 538例GG基因型患者和4 413例GA或者AA患者。Meta分析结果表明:使用氯吡格雷作为抗血小板药物的患者中,CYP2C19突变型(GA或者AA)携带者比野生型GG携带者的药物敏感性差[比值比=0.23,95%可信区间(0.13,0.40)];血浆药物浓度前者远低于后者[均数差=-17.38,95%可信区间(-25.59,-9.16)];血小板反应指数前者较后者明显降低[均数差=12.87,95%可信区间(8.48,17.26)];支架植入后血栓形成情况前者较后者有明显增加[比值比=3.68,95%可信区间(2.17,6.24)];血栓导致的死亡率前者也较后者增高[比值比=3.68,95%可信区间(1.82,7.43)];然而,对于心肌梗死的情况前者与后者之间无差异[比值比=1.25,95%可信区间(0.96,1.63)]。结论 Meta分析结果表明,CYP2C19基因多态性与氯吡格雷药物反应作用之间存在着一定的相关性,且易导致由于血小板凝集而造成的患者死亡。
Objective To assess antiplatelet efficiency for patients with cytochrome P450 polymorphisms using Clopidogrel. Method A comprehensive electronic search was carried out and 8 independent studies with a maximum of 1 538 cases and 4 413 controls were analyzed using the Cochrane Collaboration's RevMan 5.0 software. Results Eight studies met the included criteria. There were statistically significant differences between loss-of-function CYP2C19 (GA or AA) and wild genotype (GG) for the response status to Clopidogrel: the fixed effects odds ratio (OR) was 0.23 [95% confidence interval(CI) 0.13 to 0.40]; for the plasma concentration levels of Clopidogrel: the random effects MD was -17.38 (95% CI -25.59 to -9.16); for the platelet reactivity index of Clopidogrel: the random effects MD was 12.87 [95% CI 8.48 to 17.26] ; for the definite stent thrombosis: the fixed effects OR was 3.68 (95% CI 2.17 to 6.24) ; for death of patients: the fixed effects OR was 3.68 (95% CI 1.82 to 7.43); however, there were no statistically significant differences between GA or AA and GG for myocardial infarction (MI) : the fixed effects OR was 1.25 [95% CI 0.96 to 1.63]. Conclusions The presence of the loss-of-function CYP2C19 is associated with low plasma concentration, response status and antiplatelet efficacy of Clopidogrel and indicators of efficacy except for MI in patients using clopidogrel as antiplatelet agent.
The Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine