目的 调查阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,OSAS)患者对OSAS相关知识的了解程度及对健康教育内容和方式的需求,以指导医护人员的健康教育及指导工作.方法 自行设计问卷,对福州市3所综合性三级甲等医院63例疑似OSAS患者进行调查.结果 在63位患者中年龄31~60岁占93.66%,其中男性占84.13%,体重分布超重、肥胖者各占31.75%、61.90%.95%的患者对OSAS的认识及危害性存在严重的认识不足、且都希望在住院期间或通过其他方式了解更多相关知识.结论 医护人员应进一步加强对OSAS患者的健康教育,并重视教育内容与形式,以提高OSAS患者的生存和生活质量,延缓并发症的发生与发展.
Objective Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in patients with OSAS level of un- derstanding and knowledge of the health needs of educational content and methods to guide health care, health education and guidance. Methods Self-desigued questionnaire in Fuzhou three general hospitals of 63 cases of suspected OSAS patients were investigated. Results In 63 patients, aged 31 to 60 years old accounted for 93.66 percent, 84. 13 percent were male, weight distribution of overweight and obesity were each 31.75%, 61.90%. 95% of patients with OSAS knowledge and there is a serious lack of understanding of hazards and hope during hospitalization or by other means to learn more knowledge. Conclusion The medical staff should further strengthen the OSAS patient health education, and the importance of educational content and form, in order to improve the survival of patients with OSAS and quality of life, delaying the occurrence of complications and development.
Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application